Resolutions…or Revolution?
Happy New Year, Everyone!
…And welcome to “resolution” season. As we turn the page to a new chapter – 2019 – it is likely we will all have some exposure to the concept of changing something (or things) about oneself “for the better”.
Traditionally, resolution setting tends to revolve around our bodies and our behavior. Commercials for diet and weight loss programs become more pervasive, the local gym puts up a shiny new billboard offering $20 off membership, we are encouraged to pick apart the pieces of ourselves that we find unsatisfactory, and we ride off into the sunset on the new trendy wellness bandwagon.
While there is nothing wrong with desiring change and embracing a collective opportunity to kick-start it all, we invite you to challenge the typical narrative this time of year and consider the idea of a revolution rather than a resolution. What would it be like to look at goal setting from a place that wasn’t appearance-focused? What other aspects of life are there to look at when considering working on oneself? What if the resolution was that you are enough…let’s repeat that…You. Are. Enough. as you are without making a single change whatsoever?
We chose a few of our favorite perspective-shifting articles and blog posts to share with you this month that are centered around self-acceptance, body respect, and revolutionizing what it means to resolve to take better care of ourselves. Enjoy!
Julie Dillon’s two-part take on why it makes sense to want to lose weight…and how to navigate these feelings from a place of self-respect:
it’s not body love or acceptance that’s first, it’s respect.
weight loss is a seductive fantasy…here’s why.
Ragen Chastain’s (Dances With Fat) notes on sustainable personal goal setting:
Non-Diet New Year’s Resolutions
Eating Disorder Therapy LA’s suggestions for alternatives to typical resolutions:
Don’t Diet! 10 Alternative New Year’s Resolutions
2019, eatingdisorderrecovery, edrecovery, happynewyear, inspiration, newyearsresolutions, nondietapproach, nondietresolutions, nourishment, recovery, recoverypositive, recoverywarriors, revolutionversusresolution, selfacceptance, selfcare, selfcompassion, selfimage, socialmedia, support, takecareofyourself, wellness, youareenough