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Dear Me

I wrote this letter to myself at a painfully pivotal point in my life.  I still read it regularly and hope it provides a sense of safety, hope, and unity to others that may need it.

-Lindsey M. Yemc, MS, RD, LDN

This is a letter to yourself when things seem impossible.  Read this when success is blooming everywhere around you, and you feel as though you’re the seed that never germinated. Read this when you’re waiting for someone to say “it’s your turn”.

Dear me,

Let your tears fall, and with them, every misconceived notion that you’re not enough.  Breathe.  Open up your heart to every uncertainty in your life, every unknown, every question.  Feel uncomfortable.  The answer right now is that you just don’t know.  Accept yourself in this state.  As inglorious as it is, it is real, and being real in a terribly fake world is an achievement unfamiliar to most.

Sit here for a moment.  Do not write yourself off.  Settle in.  Disrobe your pride.  You are allowed to feel that life is sometimes unfair and unnecessarily cruel, because it absolutely is.  Understand that you are human; perhaps the most difficult thing to be in this universe.

Credit yourself.  You alone have accomplished many feats.  You have fought giants and monsters.  You feel empty with dreamy optimism, but warrior, you are full of everything you need to fight.  Freshen up your war paint, another battle is just around the corner.  You are essential personnel – rain or shine, you must trust yourself to show up.

Embrace your complexity.  You are a goddess, a serpent of solidity.  Flexible, yet unshakable. You are elemental.  The wind in your hair ignites a flame that can burn every one of your insecurities to the ground.  Know your power.

Once you’ve rediscovered the dynamic potential of your life, your incredible aptitude to design and actualize exquisite beauty, propel yourself in the dance of determination.

Love always,
